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Youth Development

Strong communities are built on the foundations provided for its youth. The organizations listed here work in a variety of way to support youth and their families with after school programs, mentorships, and other opportunities to learn and grow. 

East Carolina Council, BSA

These opportunities are responsible for carrying out four standard functions: membership, fund development, program, and unit service. The membership function strives for growth through the organization of new Scouting units and growth through new members joining existing units.

Board of Directors

St. John CDC S.A.Y. (Save-A-Youth)

The St. John CDC continues to provide needed services to the community by way of the S.A.Y. (Save A Youth) Programs. Presently, we have four components to the S.A.Y. Programs. The S.A.Y. After School 21st Century Learning Center has an emphasis on math and reading. We serve more than 300 children each year. The S.A.Y. Gang Prevention is a program committed to helping youth to avoid gang involvement by encouraging positive behavior. The S.A.Y. Summer Camp has served over 900 children and youth for the past eight years. This summer camp provides meaningful activities for our youth such as: Math, Reading, Computer Technology, Arts and Crafts, Swimming, Bowling, Skating, Culinary Arts, Character Education, Gang Prevention, Sports and Field Trips.

The 21st CCLC program is authorized under Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The program provides after-school and summer camp academic enrichment opportunities for children attending low performing schools to help the students meet local and state academic standards in Reading, Mathematics, and Science. At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, 96.7% of student participants tested in the afterschool program performed at or above grade level.

In addition, programs may provide activities for youth development, STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, and Math), character education, counseling, gang prevention, music, and recreation to enhance the program’s academic components. Literacy and community outreach components are also supported through the program.

Volunteer, Executive Board

ARC of Wilson County

The purpose of The Arc of Wilson County shall be to promote and support all activities in Wilson County that benefit the lives of citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) living in the community;

-To support the activities of the state and national organizations;

-To work within the Wilson County community to develop programs that will benefit the citizens with IDD;

-And to further develop programs in the future to benefit all citizens with IDD.


Wilson Education Partnership

Wilson Education Partnership is a unique and focused non-profit organization committed to improving public education by partnering with local businesses and being the conduit between them, Wilson County Schools and the community. Business leaders on the board serve as a vital link for collaboration between all these entities to provide excellent educational opportunities, strong teachers, and college and workforce readiness.


United Way

In 1959, the United Fund of Wilson County was organized at a meeting in the Cherry Hotel. The goal for this initial fundraising effort was set at $79,568.30. Today the organization we now call United Way raises more than one-million dollars annually to fund human service agencies for the people of Wilson County.

Far from being just a once-a-year presence, United Way is an integral part of the community it serves. Each member agency’s program is a part of a total health, welfare, and character building program designed to meet the needs of the community. Because of this fact, United Way has a responsibility to consider the community program as a whole and each agency’s relation to the total program.

United Way helps people help themselves and one another by uniting the community’s volunteer fundraising efforts in a manner that builds a strong spirit of community volunteerism; responds to needs that can’t be met through public expenditures; is accountable to the giver and the receiver for dollars and programs; operates in a cost effective manner.

Board of Directors through inquiry and invitation


Delivering The Power of Possibility for adults with disabilities who need that "first job experience" in order to fulfill their dream of becoming contributing members of our community. Come try our Gourmet Hotdogs, Homemade Soups, Grilled Cheese and Ice Cream Creations soon!



With the gracious support and funding provided by the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson, we will be able to support your child(ren) in school and during our after-school programming. Each of the five middle schools in Wilson County will have an assigned Youth Coordinator who will spend some time with your child(ren) in their school environment and at the after-school program. Y-GIG helps to create a level of support that spills over into the daily lives of Wilson’s youth.


Wilson Forward

Wilson Forward’s board of directors serves as the governing body for a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the mission to “improve educational opportunities, health and wellness and workforce development in Wilson. Wilson Forward partners with organizations from all sectors including government, education, economic development, businesses, non-profits, philanthropy, faith and neighborhoods. The board of directors supports partnership and collaborations consistent with our focus areas.

Board of Directors

Seeds of Hope

To aid students, families and communities of Vick Elementary School in various initiatives


Wilson 4H

Wilson County 4-H is a youth-driven organization that aims to teach youth within the county life skills. We want to assist youth and adults in Wilson County in becoming competent, coping, and contributing members of their society. Within Wilson County we have a variety of 4-H Community Clubs that serve those ages 5-18. We have special interest clubs such as 4-H Shooting Sports and after-school clubs. Once a month we meet for County Council, which is a gathering of representatives from all the clubs in Wilson County.


Wilson Partnership for Children

Our mission is to support the development of young children and families in Wilson County through collaborative, community-based programs focusing on health, family support services, and quality education.


Wilson City Little League

Mission is to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideas of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.

Board of Directors


Intrested candidates can be considered through inquiry and/or invitation.

Board of Directors

Y.O.U.T.H of Wilson

Can be partnered with an at risk youth to mentor them and help them within their process towards self-confidence.


Adult Ballet Class

Complete this form to recruit more talented leaders and volunteers for your organization. You can use the form to update your organization's details. Managed by Cohort V of the Wilson Leadership Institute. 

© 2022 Wilson Leadership Institute

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