Community Development
These organizations are where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to improve Wilson's built environment. Community parks, housing developments, historic neighborhoods, shopping centers, sidewalks, and roads are built better with input from community members.
Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park and Museum
This one-of-a-kind art park in the heart of Historic Downtown Wilson, NC provides fascinating artistic, educational, and recreational opportunities at the intersection of art and science. We invite you to explore our vision and to join the effort to realize this significant creative placemaking and arts-driven economic development project.
Wilson County Tourism Development Authority
To promote tourism throughout the City and County of Wilson.
Appointed Office
The Wilson Community Improvement Association
Is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life of all residents in Wilson and surrounding counties by building and supporting stable, safe and economically viable neighborhoods.
Board of Directors
Wilson Downtown Development Corporation (WDDC)
Wilson Downtown Development Corporation (WDDC), a non-profit organization, was created for the purpose of promoting historic preservation and combating community deterioration. WDDC is managed by a 23-member Board of Directors comprised of downtown business owners, property owners, non-profit leaders, residents, and city and county representatives, all of whom have a passion for revitalizing the heart of the city. They provide leadership in downtown development by delivering vision, human capital and managing financial resources to revitalize Historic Downtown Wilson.
Board of Directors
Wilson Downtown Properties (WDP)
Wilson Downtown Properties (WDP), a non-profit organization, acts as the redevelopment affiliate of Wilson Downtown Development Corporation (WDDC). WDP was created to put obsolete properties downtown back into reuse. The organization acquires endangered and delipidated properties in downtown and plans for their redevelopment with private sector partner to viable new uses that further downtown revitalization.
Board of Directors
Wilson Appearance Commission
To initiate, promote and assist in the implementation of programs of general community beautification in the city; to provide leadership and guidance in matters of area or community design through public and private organization/agencies; study and assist city arborist with tree planting program; to make studies of the visual characteristics and problems of the city, prepare both general and specific plans for improved appearance of the city.
Board of Advisors
Bicycle and Predestrian Advisory Board
To oversee the implementation of the plans and coordinate City pedestrian and bicycle policies and actions; To recommend and advocate pedestrian and bicycle project priorities for local, state and federal projects; To serve as a guiding group for new pedestrian and bicycle facilities and coordinating facility maintenance; To promote and coordinate annual bicycling and walking/running events and create other educational and encouragement materials and programs specific to Wilson; To advise and recommend to City staff alternative funding sources to meet the pedestrian and bicycling needs of the community.
Appointed Office
The Historical Preservation Fund of Wilson County
The mission of the Board of Trustees is to preserve, protect, educate and interpret the architectural significance and cultural heritage of Wilson County.
Board of Directors
Preservation of Wilson
Wilson Economic Development Council
Interested in the economy and growth of Wilson and Wilson County and willingness to serve for 8 years. There are various events that you will need to attend throughout your term. Also, work with Wilson on the Move and Wilson County Properties.
Board of Directors
Historic Preservation Commission
Quasi-judicial board which reviews applications for Certificates of Appropriateness, ensuring that exterior changes to landmarks and properties within historic districts are not incongruous with the character of the property or district. Other duties include safeguarding the heritage of the City of Wilson through preservation efforts and promoting the preservation, restoration, use and conservation of such property for the education, pleasure and enrichment of the residents of the city, county, and state as a whole.
Appointed Office
Cemetery Commission
To enforce all laws and regulations governing the use of the cemeteries; To have charge of the maintenance of all lots, drives and walks; to direct all funerals from the cemetery entrance to the place of burial; to act as agent for the cemetery trustees in all matters pertaining to the use of the cemeteries and to be responsible to such trustees.
Appointed Office

If you would like to recruit more talented leaders ffor your orgnization, submit your information to the nonprofit inventory by completing this form. Managed by Cohort V of the Wilson Leadership Institute.