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Danté Pittman

Human Relations Director

Danté Pittman

City of Wilson

Hometown: Wilson, NC

How long have you lived in Wilson: combined 20 years

Why are you in Wilson? What keeps you here?
I am in Wilson because I wanted to serve the community that gave me so much.
What does being a young professional mean to you?
A young professional is a young person that has decided to devote their professional skills and talents to a business or organization, while also committing to be an active part of the professional community.
What about this community excites you?
Wilson has such a bright future. There is a lot of development and passion in this community. I am excited about Wilson's future.
What about this community concerns you the most?
The education of pre-K children. Our kids have to be prepared for school, and that starts before they ever enter a classroom.

Danté Pittman

© 2022 Wilson Leadership Institute

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